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Semi-Wireless Counter System

10 feet of our Ultraflex cabling connect the optional 1 or 3 button release to the counter.

The secure link to the trap is via our TX-101 Transmitter and RX-101 receiver hardware. 127 channels and a different frequency at each stand eliminate interference between stands. For more information on our TX-101 and RX-101 equipment check our Wireless Button Release pages.

▪ FEATURES: - 1 or 2 traps
- Counts up or down
- Solo Shooter mode with timed and audible countdown to release
- Supplied with 5 Dongles / unit
- Each unit includes two RX-101 digital receivers
- Wired button release
- Wireless trap connection


The Console is used for loading, zeroing out and checking Dongle count, as well as changing the club ground ID if needed.

Power is via a plug-in power supply included in the cost.

▪ FEATURES- Only 1 required per club irrespective of how many systems owned or model type.
- So simple to operate that any team member will be an expert in minutes.


Semi-Wireless Counter and Console

$575.00 Per Unit
$6,800.00 12 Units


$150 per unit


View the Instruction Manual

To place an order or for more information on our spares, repairs and upgrades contact BRB SYSTEMS USA CO.