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Following the Annual Membership meeting, the PCC is happy to announce that its Board of Directors has been augmented by three persons: 

The Honorable Edward Borkowski, Allegheny County Judge of Common Pleas Court 
Kasia Goszcz-Bruniany, graphic artist; art director, Materials Research Society 
Lisa Sasinowski, attorney-at-law; currently Judicial Law Clerk for Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Max Bear. 

The other six candidates were successfully re-elected. All nine candidates have been elected to a three-year term on the PCC Board of Directors: 

Mike Dawida, Esq. 
Timothy Kuzma
David Motak
Charlotte Murray 
Maria Staszkiewicz 
Marie Zielmanski-Fallon 

Congratulations! The next meeting of the Board of Directors will vote for the slate of the officers. Our best wishes to the new Board members and lots of success in your very important work for our organization.


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